• Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


Having an old but critical piece of software which is standing over an obsolete technology, or its not able to meet the performance and scale requirements to cater today’s demands is not new. Therefore, we provide reverse engineering services to replace the old technology with modern equivalent while keeping the essence of the software intact and well augmented.

Our reverse engineering approach involves analyzing legacy software to identify areas for modernization and optimization, developing a migration plan that leverages modern cloud technologies, and using automated testing and monitoring tools to minimize migration risk and ensure a smooth transition.

Our goal is to modernize your critical software while preserving its essence, exceeding your expectations with advanced reverse engineering techniques.

Our Methodology


Initial Assessment: To understand the target application's architecture, functionality, and dependencies, we undertake an initial assessment.

Code and Binary Analysis: Our experts examine the source code, binaries, and documentation of the application to get insight into its inner workings, such as algorithms, data structures, and communication protocols.

Reverse Engineering Techniques: To better understand the application's logic, behavior, and interactions, we use reverse engineering techniques like as disassembly, decompilation, and debugging.

Documentation and diagramming: To visualise the application's structure, functionality, and data flow, we produce documentation and diagrams such as flowcharts, data flow diagrams, and sequence diagrams.

Reconstruction and Reproduction: Using the insights from the reverse engineering process, we reconstruct and replicate the application's code, data structures, and algorithms.

Analysis and Verification: We thoroughly analyze and verify the reconstructed code and functionality to ensure accuracy and reliability, and validate against the original application's behavior.

Our Implementation

Legacy System Modernization: We have used reverse engineering to understand the functionality and interfaces of legacy systems and develop migration plans for modernizing them with newer technologies or platforms.

Application Maintenance and Enhancement: We have leveraged reverse engineering to analyze and understand the source code of software applications, enabling ongoing maintenance, bug fixes, feature enhancements, and performance optimizations.

Integration and Interoperability: We have utilized reverse engineering to analyze and understand APIs, protocols, or data formats of existing applications, facilitating
seamless integration with other systems or platforms.

Customization and Tailoring: We have employed reverse engineering to customize and tailor commercial off-the shelf (COTS) software applications to meet specific business requirements or workflows.

Security Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis: We have utilized reverse engineering to conduct security assessments of software applications, identifying vulnerabilities and developing strategies for securing critical assets and data.

Intellectual Property Protection: We have used reverse engineering to identify potential intellectual property infringement by analyzing and understanding competitor's software or products, and developing strategies for protecting intellectual property rights through legal actions.
