• Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


Predictive analytics is a complex tool that forecasts the future based on historical data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques. It involves analysing data searching for patterns and relationships that might help in forecasting what might happen. Predictive models are created by training them on past data using techniques such as linear regression or decision trees.

Varaisys provides advanced predictive analytics services using statistical algorithms, machine learning techniques, and time series analysis to help businesses in various industries make informed decisions. Our financial predictive analytics expertise includes fraud detection, credit risk analysis, and investment forecasting, while our solutions can also be used in forensic investigations to identify patterns and anomalies in large datasets.

We take a comprehensive approach to predictive analytics, ensuring that our models are thoroughly evaluated and tested for accuracy and performance. Trust us to help you leverage the power of predictive analytics to make data-driven decisions and achieve your business goals

Our Methodology


Understand Client Needs: We Conduct in depth discussions with clients to gather requirements and understand their specific predictive analytics project needs, objectives, and obstacles.

State the Goal: Based on the client's needs, explicitly state the problem or goal to be addressed with predictive analytics, such as anticipating customer turnover, forecasting demand, or discovering data abnormalities.

Data collection and preparation: Our Team gather important data from numerous sources, cleaning and preprocessing it to assure its accuracy, integrity, and suitability for analysis, which includes data cleansing,feature engineering, and normalisation.

Model Development: Based on the cleaned and preprocessed data, Our Experts develop predictive models using appropriate algorithms and techniques, such as machine learning algorithms like linear regression, decision trees, or random forests, and fine-tune them using techniques like cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning.

Model Validation and Deployment: Evaluate the predictive models' accuracy, reliability, and generalizability using test datasets or validation techniques, and then deploy them in a production environment, such as a web application, mobile app, or API, depending on the client's requirements.

Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor and maintain the deployed predictive models, updating them with new data, retraining as needed, and making necessary adjustments to ensure their continued accuracy and performance, as well as continuously evaluating and improving the methodology based on feedback and industry best practises

Our Implementation

Fraud Detection: By analysing transaction data and user behaviour in real-time, we assist organisations detect potential fraud or suspicious activity, preventing financial losses and defending against fraud.

Demand Forecasting: By analysing past sales data and market trends, we assist firms in optimising inventory, production,and pricing strategies.

Personalization: We employ data analysis to provide customers with personalised recommendations, offers, and experiences, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty by delivering targeted and relevant information, products, and services.

Resource Optimisation: Based on historical data and demand estimates, our solution helps organisations in optimising the allocation and utilisation of resources such as manpower, equipment, and inventory, boosting overall operational efficiency and lowering costs.

Product Development: We analyse market trends, customer feedback, and other relevant data to identify new product opportunities, optimise product features, and forecast product performance, assisting businesses in making informed product development decisions, launching successful products, and effectively meeting customer needs.
